Strategy Wargaming

Strategy Wargaming

Strategy Wargaming
Where Interest and Insight Lead to Impact

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."

"Superb execution with an average plan will win over a superb plan with average execution."

"A bad strategy will fail no matter how good your information is. And lame execution will stymie a good strategy. If you do enough things poorly, you'll go out of business."

"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

Business People Meeting Design Ideas Concept. business planning


Starting with Engagement and Competition

Our wargames captivate and challenge participants right from the start. Meaningful competition is at the heart of this process, making each scenario not only engaging but also a test of strategic mettle. We craft our sessions to ignite curiosity and foster a competitive spirit, ensuring that the journey through each wargame is as compelling as it is insightful. This blend of competition and engagement sets the foundation for insightful exploration and growth.


The Journey from Conception to Clarity

Guided by experienced facilitators, leaders step into a series of scenarios designed to not just test but to strengthen their strategic thinking and execution skills. It’s here, in the crucible of hands-on experience, that insights are honed into impactful actions. This is where the wisdom of strategy and the finesse of execution merge, equipping leaders to navigate and shape the future with confidence.



Turning Strategic Vision into Reality

Guided by experienced facilitators, leaders step into a series of scenarios designed to not just test but to strengthen their strategic thinking and execution skills. It’s here, in the crucible of hands-on experience, that insights are honed into impactful actions. This is where the wisdom of strategy and the finesse of execution merge, equipping leaders to navigate and shape the future with confidence.

Elevating Strategy and Execution

With i3 Gen’s Strategy Wargaming, leaders are primed not just with superior strategies but with the proven ability to execute them effectively. In a world that demands strategic agility and decisiveness, our wargames prepare you to lead from the forefront, ensuring that your organization is poised for success.

businessman hand moving gold Chess King figure and Checkmate opponent during chessboard competition. Strategy, Success, management, business planning, disruption and leadership concept

Forge Your Path with i3 Gen

Embrace the wisdom of the ages and the cutting-edge approach of i3 Gen’s Strategy Wargaming. Connect with us to explore how we can transform your strategic challenges into victories, marking your leadership with both visionary insight and impactful action.