Welcome to i3 Gen

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

"If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old."

"We need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges."

At i3 Gen, we are not your usual consultants; we are evangelists for strategic planning, blending the craft of strategy wargaming with the art of strategic communications. Based in the UK, our consultancy serves senior leaders across the military, government, public sectors, and larger corporations.

Our mission is clear:

to elevate your strategic planning through challenge and innovation,

ensuring your leadership is both resilient and dynamic in the face of complex challenges.

Multi exposure of work table with computer and brain hologram. Brainstorm concept.

Our Philosophy

Our approach is disarmingly straightforward yet genuinely impactful. We craft challenging and competitive sandbox simulations, providing environments where leaders like you can explore, experiment, and enhance strategic plans with precision and foresight.

By simulating real-world complexities in an affordable, risk-free, and, importantly, competitive setting, we provide a unique arena for you to explore, refine, and develop your strategies.

With our ‘enhanced and extended matrix wargaming’ approach, your team will engage in dynamic scenarios that mirror the intricacies of real-world challenges. These simulations are complemented by our deep expertise in strategic communications, ensuring that your plans will resonate deeply with your target audiences, telling compelling stories that drive action.

Our Knowledge, Skills and Expertise

Based in the UK, our team brings experience operating across NATO, the EU, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific. Together, we form a tapestry of interesting and insightful professionals drawn from diverse fields, including technology, finance, media, academia, and defence, all united by a common goal—to drive strategic success.

Our collective expertise spans the broad spectrum, ensuring comprehensive coverage of your needs:

Wargame Design and Facilitation:

Crafting and conducting immersive simulations that challenge conventional thinking

Strategic and Campaign Planning:

Structuring robust frameworks that guide successful outcomes.

Military and Cross-Government Planning:

Integrating insights from military precision and governmental breadth.

Strategic Communications and Information Operations:

Leveraging information as a strategic asset, ensuring your message resonates and influences.

Story Crafting and Behavioural Psychology:

Understanding and enhancing audience understanding and actions.

Digital and Social Media Strategy:

Elevating skills to meet strategic demands.

Training and Capability Development:

Engaging and winning in the digital arena.
To paraphrase Stephen Covey and others; while a superb strategy is valuable, superb execution is paramount. At i3 Gen, we ensure you master both.

At i3 Gen, we cherish:​

Professional Challenge and Strategic Insight
We thrive on solving complex problems.
Effective Communication
We believe in the power of clarity and precision in narrative.
Cognitive Diversity
We leverage varied perspectives for enriched strategic thinking.
Actionable Insights
We deliver strategies that are not only visionary but also executable.
What sets i3 Gen apart is our unique blend of talent and thinking. Our team is drawn from diverse backgrounds, creating a rich consultancy fabric. Our team are hybrid thinkers who bridge strategic foresight with tactical pragmatism. We combine military and civilian perspectives to enrich every client engagement, and we cap it off with an inherent desire to make a significant, positive impact on the world.

Discover i3 Gen

Our unique blend of wargaming expertise and story-crafting prowess empowers leaders like you to navigate today’s complexities with unprecedented clarity and confidence.